Day 1: Medicine Balls exercise!
Sensei David Ginger couldn’t join us for this exercise as he was still quite poorly – ‘Black lung’ “cough cough” (zoolander!), he did, however, supply the medicine balls. This exercise is fast, furious and of course painful but worth it!
We then went back to basics and stripped them right down to all of the finer point before building them back up again.
With partners, we began work on sweeps and blocks. This was fun! I learned a lot from this lesson.
After lunch we began work on the first two Heian Katas. This involved stripping them right down and re-building them to be able to perform them at an advanced level. During this we also included the bunkai to these Katas which was interesting and good fun. We worked on Bassai Dai for a while too, but didn’t do the bunkai.
After our tea break we learned Wankan. As well as the Kata itself, we learned the bunkai which I personally found very interesting.
Day 2: Medicine Ball Exercise, AGAIN!!
Today was much more painful than yesterday, but still fun.
We started syllabus work today. For today, all of the kyu grade students had to work as 1st kyus. It was awesome but still hard work.
Kumite was next; this was a really good experience, especially for the kyu grades. We did a few different kinds of kumite like, Kihon Ippon, Jiyu Ippon and Ju Ippon. I really enjoyed all of the kumite and it gave us a taste of what the higher grades would be doing for their grading.
After lunch we worked on the Katas again, as we did yesterday. When they were finished we learned Jion.
After our tea break we learned a new Kata called Chinte.
Day 3: Syllabus work again, today.
This, we sort of did ourselves as Sensei Gilliland was recording us. He called us in turns to let us watch ourselves perform. I liked this because it’s easier to see what is wrong than it us to just have someone tell you. We then had to go away and try to correct ourselves.
We learned some self defence in the form of chair and knife defences. This was great fun.
We also worked in the first two Heian Katas again so that we could be recorded. We all watched ourselves again so we knew what, if anything needed work.
In the evening we did more Kata. We were allowed to choose to work on. I chose Wankan because I think it’s unusual as well as fun.
Day 4: Back to Basics again.
We made our own decisions about which basics needed work. So we got on with that.
After that we moved on to syllabus work. Everyone’s work was different depending on their current grade.
We worked on different kinds of kumite again before going back to knife and chair defences.
After lunch we worked on improving our Katas again.
Then to wind down, we were divided into groups to do exercise which was more like a game, but awesome fun either was.
Day 5: Grading Day!
Today’s warm up was kumite, so it was good fun.
Then Sensei Ginger took all of the kyu grades to work on the syllabus for all of their next grading.
Kyu grades were lucky enough to be allowed to watch the Dan Grading. This was an excellent opportunity because it’s going to be us up there one day.
The Dan grade course was very different to any karate lessons I have ever done before, and I couldn’t have enjoyed this week anymore if I tried. It was awesome and I can’t wait until next year to do it all again.